Entries by hightower

Tx:Team Company Culture

Tx:Team prides itself on the culture displayed at every level of the company’s infrastructure. Culture has been and will continue to be the driving force behind creating an environment that allows for success over the course of four decades. “From

Meet Spencer Sheridan

Tx:Team turns 40 in 2023!

Founded in 1983, Tx:Team will celebrate a big anniversary in May, 40 years in business. Because it is such a major milestone, we felt we should celebrate this achievement throughout the year.

Thank you to …

Physical Therapy & Wound Care

Wounds affect more than one million people every year. A wound or skin injury can occur due to an accident, injury, surgery, a burn, circulation problems, diabetes, or spending too much time in one position (not moving enough). Physical Therapists

National Senior Health & Fitness Day

Today is the 30th National Senior Health & Fitness Day®. National Senior Health & Fitness Day® is an annual health and wellness event for older adults. More than 100,000 older adults will participate in local health events across the …

Meet Carroll Nelligan

Tx:Team turns 40 in 2023!

Founded in 1983, Tx:Team will celebrate a big anniversary in May, 40 years in business. Because it is such a major milestone, we felt we should celebrate this achievement throughout the year.

Thank you to …