Ask an Expert: I Was Diagnosed with Moderate Hip Arthritis, Can PT Help?

I recently got diagnosed with moderate hip arthritis, but the Doctor does not recommend a hip replacement yet. Can Physical Therapy help?  

Physical therapy is a form of treatment that helps to alleviate pain and improve movement in those who have mild to moderate hip arthritis. It is a non-invasive and drug-free approach that can be very effective in managing the symptoms of this and other arthritic conditions.  Physical therapists are trained to work with people who have arthritis and can develop a personalized plan of care to help alleviate your pain and improve your mobility. They may use a combination of techniques, such as exercises, stretches, and hands-on therapy, to help you regain strength and flexibility in your hip joint.

Exercises are an important part of physical therapy for hip arthritis. Your therapist may prescribe exercises that are specifically designed to help improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles around your hip joint. These exercises may include range of motion exercises, leg strengthening exercises and balance exercises.  Stretching is also an important component of physical therapy for hip arthritis. Stretching can help to increase the flexibility and range of motion in the hip joint, which can help to reduce pain and improve your ability to move around.  Hands-on therapy, such as massage and manual therapy, can also be used to help alleviate pain and improve mobility in people with hip arthritis.

Physical therapy can also help you learn how to move and do everyday activities in a way that puts less stress on your hip joint. This can help you to reduce your risk of injury and further damage to your hip joint.   It is important to note that physical therapy can be an effective treatment option for hip arthritis, but it is not a cure. However, it can help to alleviate symptoms, improve mobility, and reduce the risk of further injury. It is always best to consult with a physical therapist to discuss if physical therapy is right for you.

Jeremy Dunker, PT, DPT, OCS