Entries by hightower

New Roles and Promotions at Tx:Team

We are pleased to announce the promotion of several associates into new positions at Tx:Team. Please join us in congratulating them on their new roles!

Bob Haan has been elevated to the position of Vice President of Clinical Operations and …

Female Athletes and ACL Prevalence

As a former female division 1 gymnast, I personally experienced and witnessed many types of injuries. I had a few teammates who had recurring injuries that impacted their ability to continue the sport they loved. Seeing the sub-par rehabilitation process …

Operate Out of Love

Carroll Nelligan, President, Chief Operating Officer


My heart is hurting today as I know is the case with all of you.  This is not a political post.  There are plenty of avenues for that.  We have been faced with …

COVID-19 Notice of Patient Care

The Department of Homeland Security has designated physical and occupational therapy, and speech language pathology, as essential healthcare services (for more information, visit CISA.gov).  As such, most Tx:Team clinics are open and available for therapy services.

The health and safety …