Tag Archive for: MSK

Pre-Work Screening Program

There are over 2.9 million non-fatal work injuries per year. Of those injuries, about 30% of them end up being musculoskeletal cases including sprains, strains, and tears that end up costing an average of $30k per case.

Workplace musculoskeletal injuries are often the most expensive of occupational injuries and also account for productivity loss and days away from work.

Wouldn’t it be beneficial if you could identify the risks of work-related musculoskeletal injuries before they happen? That’s where Tx:Team’s pre-work screening program comes in.

Our test replicates the roles and responsibilities that will be required of the employees while they’re on the job. Once we assess the functions of a job, we can plan and implement a strategy to prevent future injuries for current employees while also setting a baseline of what is required when hiring future employees.

Watch this short video to learn more about our success with the pre-work screening program, and fill out the form below if you’re interested in partnering with Tx:Team.

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    Physical Therapy to Combat Musculoskeletal Costs

    Musculoskeletal Costs are a top three expense on most health plans, and on some they’re even number one. This trend is not going anywhere, and if anything they are increasing. At Tx:Team, we’re looking to combat that. Dan is here to explain how:

    At Tx:Team, we are committed to getting our patients better faster and getting them out of the seemingly endless healthcare loop. Fill out this form to learn more about why working with us is good therapy:

      Please provide your email below to continue the conversation with Tx:Team.