Ask an Expert: Where Can I Find a Good Pair of Supportive Shoes That Still Look Good?

Question: Where can I find a good pair of supportive shoes that still look good?

Answer: We recommend searching within your community for a local shoe store that specializes in footwear. Shoes are categorized by features that address different foot mechanics and diagnoses. Shoes are classified by three types such as neutral, stability, and motion control.

Shoe stores often cater to walkers and runners, but others have the resources to meet the needs of a more complex population with uncommon foot pathologies. These stores offer an abundant selection of footwear spanning from running shoes to sandals to dress shoes.

Conditions such as over pronation, posterior tibial tendonitis, heel spurs, bunions, and a host of other health conditions may be relieved with appropriate footwear made of quality materials. In more severe instances, custom orthotics are also an option.

We find that if shoes do not look good our patients will not wear them. With enough research and effort our patients can often find a shoe that offers a compromise between support, quality, and fashion.

Chris Barrett, PTA