The Important Role of Feet and Ankles

The foot and ankle form a complex system of 28 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 ligaments, tendons, and muscles that serve as the foundational support for our entire body structure. They are essential for supporting body weight and maintaining balance, stability, and propulsion as we navigate different terrains.

Any discomfort, injury, or misalignment in the feet or ankles can significantly impact our mobility and posture, leading to potential pain or issues in the knees, hips, or lower back. Given the integral role of the feet in overall body function, addressing any related injuries or dysfunctions is crucial for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

Common issues associated with the feet and ankles include hyper- or hypo-mobility, arthritis, overuse injuries like shin splints and tendonitis, ankle sprains, instability, and post-fracture complications.

Physical therapy offers effective solutions to alleviate these problems. Physical therapists specialize in assessing, treating, and enhancing the function of the foot and ankle through a combination of techniques such as manual therapy, targeted exercises for strengthening, balance enhancement, and posture correction. PTs personalize treatment plans to address specific goals and diagnoses, aiming to alleviate pain, enhance strength, restore motion, improve stability, and reduce chance of future injury. PTs can conduct thorough gait analyses to identify and rectify any biomechanical abnormalities, thereby reducing strain and dysfunction throughout the body. Thanks to physical therapy, you can return to an active, pain-free lifestyle by minimizing limitations and optimizing overall foot and ankle function.