Meet Kim Huser

Tx:Team turns 40 in 2023!

Founded in 1983, Tx:Team will celebrate a big anniversary in May, 40 years in business. Because it is such a major milestone, we felt we should celebrate this achievement throughout the year.

Thank you to all Tx:Team associates throughout the decades for his or her part in our success.

Meet Kim Huser and hear her story of her time with Tx:Team:

Tx:Team Welcomes Liz Kotroba, Director of Rehabilitation Services at Frederick Health

We are pleased to announce Liz Kotroba, PT, DPT, MBA as our new Director of Rehabilitation Services for Tx:Team partnered with Frederick Health.

Liz joins Tx:Team with an extensive background in both rehabilitation and healthcare leadership. She attended The University of Scranton in Scranton, PA, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, her Master of Physical Therapy, and her Doctor of Physical Therapy. Liz went on to receive her Master of Business Administration from the University of Maryland – University College in Adelphi, MD. She has held leadership positions as Clinic Director, Inpatient Manager, Outpatient Manager, Director of Outpatient Therapy Services, and was promoted to Associate Vice President of Operations and Hospital Administrator with Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation.

Liz is passionate about rehabilitation services and will continue to advance clinical and operational excellence, innovation, and community engagement throughout the continuum of rehab care at Frederick Health. She has a wealth of knowledge in program assessment, development, and implementation, clinic start-up, mentoring and developing teams, financial management, and regulatory compliance. It was clear throughout the interview process that Liz’s skillset and experience were an ideal fit for this role.

On behalf of Tx:Team, we are delighted to welcome Liz to our team. We look forward to serving our patients and our partners in the Frederick community.

New Year Fitness Goals

“New Year, New Me”  – Does this sound familiar? The start of a new year is often a time for people to want a fresh start. For some, it may be a fresh start with healthier habits, being more responsible with money, or working to become a better person. Many people welcome the new year as a time to start fresh with a new fitness routine. Whether it be going for a daily walk, trying out a new class at the gym, or starting your marathon training, here are a few tips to help you succeed with your New Year’s fitness resolutions.

  • Start slow. If you are trying a new activity, ease into it to avoid excessive soreness or injury.
  • Make it a habit. Schedule time in your day for exercise when it is convenient for you and put it on your calendar. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so don’t give up too soon!
  • Fuel your body. Adequate sleep, healthy diet, and drinking plenty of water are important for effective workouts.
  • Have fun! Choosing an activity you enjoy will help you stick with it. Try a dance class, listening to your favorite music at the gym, or going for a walk/run on a trail with good scenery.
  • Rest is just as important as the work. Our bodies need rest days to recover from exercise, especially if you are performing a new activity or exercising for the first time in a while. Don’t feel guilty if your body needs a rest day – or – scale back your program and try going for a light walk or performing a gentle stretching or yoga routine if you feel you need a break.
  • Buddy up! Grab a friend to try a new class at the gym, ask your spouse to exercise with you, or take your dog for a walk! The buddy system helps us stay accountable.
  • Listen to your body. If you are feeling sore or tired, you may be over doing it and need a little rest or a modification to your program. If you are experiencing any pain – reach out to your Physical Therapist for advice.

Whatever your New Year’s Resolution may be, give yourself some grace and remember to strive for progress not perfection. There is no ‘one size fits all’ program so do what feels best to you and be proud of yourself for taking steps to become a healthier YOU. Now, get up and move your body in a way that feels good!

Sara Sermershein is a Physical Therapist in the Employer Based Setting for Tx:Team.  She has worked in outpatient Physical Therapy for the last six (6) years treating patients of all ages and various orthopedic conditions. She holds certifications in dry needling as well as vestibular and concussion rehab.