Ask an Expert: Why Do My Legs Swell?

Question:  Why do my legs swell?

Answer:  There are many reasons why the legs can swell. Medical conditions such as decreased kidney function, lymphedema, congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema and obesity. You should see your physician to rule out more serious conditions before coming to physical therapy or occupational therapy for lymphedema treatment.

A primary cause of worsening swelling throughout the day typically is from having the legs in the dependent position such as sitting in a chair with the knees bent for prolonged periods of time. When the knees are bent that put some additional strain on the venous system to return blood to the circulatory system because of the cramping down affect with the knees bent gravity working against blood flow returning to the trunk region.

A few helpful tips to minimize swelling of the feet and lower legs are to not sit more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time, elevate the legs, pump your ankles back-and-forth, stand up more often and complete marching in place or heel raises.